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What is hair transplantation and causes of hair loss?

Hair Transplant

Is a purely cosmetic operation without surgical intervention where the doctor in our center Medicare Turkey inspect the hair and scalp accurately and then the doctor draws the front line of head according to international beauty standards and taking in his account the desire of the patient, where the front line as a natural hair line and in order not to appear artificial or wig.

Hair follicles are picked from an area in the head called (donor area) and then transplanted into the target area (bald area) Hair transplantation depends on the density of the donor area of ​​the patient because this is one of the most important elements which the doctor count on it to decide if the person is qualified to do the operation or not. Many people believe that the transplanted hair stays for some time and then fall out. This is not true, the transplanted hair stays lifelong and the techniques vary from person to person depending on the number of follicles to be planted and the area to be covered. To see the results of some hair transplants in our center click here

“Hair transplantation works for men and women”


There are many reasons lead to hair loss in women, including:

  • Malnutrition is a lack of access to nutrients vitamins, minerals, iron and calcium in addition to relying on fast food that contains a lot of calories and carbohydrates harmful to health.
  • Anemia, which is a lack of iron in the blood, as well as a decrease in the number of red blood cells, which leads to hair loss.
  • Psychological reasons, stress caused by anxiety, depression and sleep disorders that occur to many women leads to losing their appetite, disruption of hair producing’s follicles which lead to hair loss.
  • Genetic factors play an important role in hair loss in women, women are carrying baldness genes from one of their ancestors, which make them suffer from hair loss.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth are the most common causes of hair loss in women, pregnancy leads to fatigue of the body, and also weakens the secretion of hormones.
  • Aging is one of the main factors that cause hair loss, as a result of changes in the body.
  • There are many other factors and causes for hair loss, which are innumerable, so it is advisable to remedy them as early as possible so that we can get rid of hair loss before reaching the stage of baldness, and for the hair follicles to take the right path to growth.

Hair loss in women can be treated by several methods:

  • Examine vitamins, minerals, iron, and calcium within the body and treat the body from deficiency.
  • Drink plenty of water, which induces hair follicles to grow.
  • Natural home recipes, which can be easily prepared at home, through some elements and household ingredients, such as; natural oils, eggs, and many other ingredients, which can be used as a daily natural hair supporter.
  • Follow a healthy and balanced life routine, by relying on healthy food, vegetables and fruits, away from food that contains calories and fats.
  • Plasma hair can be injected annually up to four times maximum.